El SEFT en el Instituto Europeo de Florencia

El Instuto Europeo de Florencia (EUI) y la Universidad de Tampere (Finlandia) organizan los próximos 4 y 5 de febrero el workshop Alternative Visions of Europe in the 1970s. En el encuentro participarán investigadores de toda Europa, entre ellos Sergio Molina (SEFT), para debatir sobre la construcción europea en la década de los setenta.Todas las sesiones se podrán seguir a través de zoom.

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Conference Program
Day I  – 4.2.2021

Opening remarks

Rinna Kullaa (Tampere University) and Alan Granadino (Tampere University)

Panel I 

Visions (and practices) held by the neutral European countries and the democratizing countries of Southern Europe on the continent’s place in world affairs; special topics: East-West divisions, relations with the global south and democratization.

Anna Catharina Hofmann: Discourses on Europe in late Francoism (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)

Sergio Molina: La relation agraire franco-espagnole et l’adhésion de l’Espagne à la CEE, 1977-1986(Universidad de Castilla la Mancha)

Ioannis Chalkos: Between values and realpolitik: Interpreting Greece’s accession to the EEC (EUI)

Rinna Kullaa (Tampere University) – Finland and Austria as State of Protection consulates for the East and for the West in Tel Aviv 1967-, Lagos 1967- and Santiago de Chile 1973-.

Commentator and Chair: Federico Romero (EUI)

Panel II

European foreign policies that challenged, or aimed to challenge, the international status quo

Christopher Seiberlich: Envisioning a postcolonial world order. Social democratic relations with the global south in the 1970s (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen)

David Castaño: Between neutralism and alignment. The difficult choice of the Portuguese Socialist Party (ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)

Alan Granadino: The Allure of the North: Finland, Sweden and the Spanish attempts to develop an Alternative Foreign Policy in the 1970s (Tampere University)

Commentator and Chair: Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne Université)

Day II – 5.2.2021

Panel III

The effects that these alternative visions and policies had on the EC and its member countries, on the superpowers and on the global south.

Ann-Marie Ekengren: How Ideas Influence Decision-Making: Olof Palme and Swedish Foreign Policy, 1965-1975 (University of Gothenburg)

Asensio Robles Lopez: Europeanism v. Atlanticism. The EEC in the Spanish imaginary and its impact on Spain’s integration into NATO, 1976-1986 (EUI)

Kazemier Musial: «Different tropes from different Folks». Visions of the Nordic model from both sides of the Iron Curtain in the 1960s and 1970s (University of Gdansk)

Commentator and Chair: Norbert Götz (Södertörn University)


Antonio Costa Pinto (University of Lisbon); Federico Romero (EUI); Norbert Götz (Södertörn University); Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne Université)